This list provides you examples of some of the conditions we can treat for you or a loved one:

Southern Star Foot and Ankle

1441 South Midlothian Parkway 

Suite 120

Midlothian, Texas 76065

(tel) (972) 755-4620

(fax) (972) 755-4622

 Midlothian Now Article - "A Helping hand for the Feet."Midlothian Now.  March 2014

    (Pages 52-53 as labeled by magazine)

Ennis Now Article - "Putting your best foot forward with Diabetes." Ennis Now. Feb 2013.

   (Page 34 as labeled by magazine and Page 36/40 as PDF File)

Diabetic Foot Christopher Schmitt podiatry ellis county ingrown nail fracture heel pain